This post won't make much sense on a PC, but it should look fine on a Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and very likely other mobile devices such as some versions of Android (let me know which devices it does and doesn't work on- thanks!). If you install a Unicode font that supports emoticons such as Symbola you will see a few more of the icons and a few less square boxes on a PC.
If you use the pinyin keyboard on an iPhone or iPad you may have noticed that sometimes little Emoji characters) appear amont the matching hanzi. Emoji are the little pictures or icons that were originally created on Japanese phones so that 14 year old girls could make their text messages look cuter.
The following is a list of all of the Emoji that I have notice along with the pinyin needed to type them, and the matching hanzi that the Emoji picture represents. Let me know if you notice any that I have missed.
😄 kaixin 开心 happy
😍💓 xihuan 喜欢 like
😘😚 qinqin 亲亲 kiss
😢😭 kuqi 哭泣 cry
💛 huangxin 黄心 yellow heart
💙 lanxin 蓝心 blue heart
💜 zixin 紫心 purple heart
💚 lvxin 绿心 green heart
❤ xin 心 heart
💔 xinsui 心碎 broken heart
💤😪 shuijiao 睡觉 sleep
🎵🎶 yinfu 音符 music notes
🎵🎷 yinyue 音乐 music
🔥 huo 火 fire
👌🆗 hao 好 good
👐👋 shou 手机 hands
👇 xiamian 下面 underneath
👉 youbian 右边 right hand side
👈 zuobian 左边 left hand side
☝ shangmian 上面 above
💃 tiaowu 跳舞 dance
💏 jiewen 接吻 kiss
👦 nanhaizi 男孩子 boy
👧 nvhaizi 女孩子 girl
👩 nvren 女人 woman
👨 nanren 男人 man
👴 laoren 老人 old man
👄 zui 嘴 mouth
👂erduo 耳朵 ear
👀 yanlian 眼帘 eyes
👃bizi 鼻子 nose
🐶 xiaogou 小狗 puppy
🐺 lang 狼 wolf
🐱 mao 猫 cat
🐭 laoshu 老鼠 mouse
🐹 cangshu 仓鼠 hamster
🐰 tuzi 兔子 rabbit
🐸 qingwa 青蛙 frog
🐯 laohu 老虎 tiger
🐨 shudaixiong 树袋熊 koala
🐻 xiong 熊 bear
🐷 xiaozhu 小猪 piglet
🐮 muniu 母牛 cow
🐗 zhu 猪 hog
🐒 hou 猴 monkey
🐴🐎 ma 马 horse
🐑 yang 羊 sheep
🐘 xiang 象 elephant
🐧 qi'e 企鹅 penguin
🐦 niao 鸟 bird
🐤 xiaoji 小鸡 chick
🐔 ji 鸡 chicken
🐍 she 蛇 snake
🐛 maomaochong 毛毛虫 caterpillar
🐙 zhangyu 章鱼 octopus
🐚 haibei 海贝 seashell
🐠🐟 yu 鱼 fish
🐳 jingyu 鲸鱼 whale
🐬 haitun 海豚 dolphin
🐫 luotuo 骆驼 camel
🌷 yujinxiang 郁金香 tulip
🌹 meigui 玫瑰 rose
🌻xiangrikui 向日葵 sunflower
🍃 yezi 叶子 leaf
🌵 xianrenzhang 仙人掌 cactus
🌙 yueliang 月亮 moon
☀ taiyang 太阳 sun
⚡shandian 闪电 lightning
☔☁ tianqi 天气 weather
⛄ xueren 雪人 snowman
🌊 bolang 波浪 wave
🎒 shubao 书包 schoolbag
🎃 nangua 南瓜 pumpkin
💿📀 guangpan 光盘 CD/DVD
📷 xiangji 相机 camera
🎥 sheyingji 摄影机 movie camera
💻 diannao 电脑 computer
📺 dianshi 电视 television
☎ dianhua 电话 telephone
📼 luxiangdai 录像带 video cassette
📢 guangbo 广播 broadcast
🚽 cesuo 厕所 toilet
💰 qian 钱 money
🏈 ganlanqiu 橄榄球 rugby/American football
🏀 lanqiu 篮球 basketball
⚽ zuqiu 足球 football
⚾ bangqiu 棒球 baseball
🎾 wangqiu 网球 tennis
⛳ gaoerfu 高尔夫 golf
🎱 taiqiu 台球 pool ball
🏊 youyong 游泳 swim
🎬 dianying 电影 movie
🎺 laba 喇叭 trumpet
🎷 sakesifeng 萨克斯风 saxophone
🎸 jita 吉他 guitar
👟👠 xie 鞋 shoes
👡 liangxie 凉鞋 sandal
👕 chenshan 衬衫 shirt
👗 qunzi 裙子 skirt
👙bijini 比基尼 bikini
🎩👒 limao 礼貌 formal hat
🌂☔ yusan 雨伞 umbrella
💄 kouhong 口红 lipstick
💎 zuanshi 钻石 diamond
☕ cha 茶 tea - kafei 咖啡 coffee
🍵 lvcha 绿茶 green tea
🍺🍻 pijiu 啤酒 beer
🍸 jiweijiu 鸡尾酒 cocktail
🍔 hanbaobao 汉堡包 hamburger
🍟 shutiao 薯条 fries
🍚 mifan 米饭 rice
🍜 tangmian 汤面 noodle soup
🍞 mianbao 面包 bread
🍧 baobing 刨冰 shaved ice
🍰🎂 dangao 蛋糕 cake
🍎 pingguo 苹果 apple
🍊🍉 shuiguo 水果 fruit
🍉 xigua 西瓜 watermelon
🍓 caomei 草莓 strawberry
🍆 qiezi 茄子 eggplant
🍅 fanqie 蕃茄 tomato
🗽 ziyounvshen 自由女神 statue of liberty
🌈 caihong 彩虹 rainbow
🎡 motianlun 摩天轮 ferris wheel
⛲ penshuichi 喷水池 fountain
🎢 guoshanche 过山车 roller coaster
🚢 chuan 船 ship
🚤 kuaiting 快艇 speedboat
⛵fanchuan 帆船 sailboat
✈ feiji 飞机 aeroplane
🚀 huojian 火箭 rocket
🚲 zixingche 自行车 bicycle
🚗 qiche 汽车 car
🚕 chuzuche 出租车 taxi
🚌 gonggongqiche 公共汽车 bus
🚓 jingche 警车 police car
🚒 xiaofangche 消防车 fire engine
🚑 jiuhuche 救护车 ambulance
🚚 huoche 货车 van
🚄🚅huoche 火车 train
🆗👌 hao 好 good
🆕 xin 新 new
🈵 man 满 Manchurian
🈳 kong 空 empty
🈹 ge 割 cut
🈺 yin 营 seek
🈶 you 有 have
🈚 wu 无 nothing
🈷 yue 月份 month/moon
🆚 bi 比 vs


Adi Winarta
18/09/2013 01:31

18/02/2014 18:01

Dude, I really wish there was a list out there of ALL of them and the pinyin shortcut. This would be super helpful!
萬聖節🎃 (there the same I know)
